Rosemont College MFA Program Publishing Roundtable

Join us to hear thoughtful discussion and conversation about the publishing industry from top-notch professionals! Panelists include Marshall Warfield, Courtney Bambrick, Athena Dixon, Donna Talarico, and Blair Thornburgh.

Poets and Pajamas Reading Series

Poets in Pajamas is a free, online reading series run through Facebook Live that connects readers and writers across the world from the comfort of their own pajamas. Readings take […]

Hilltop Books Reading

Readers are Ellene Glenn Moore and Athena Dixon. This event will be hosted outdoors, in the backyard of Hilltop Books at 84 Bethlehem Pike. Masks are required for indoor browsing. […]

Push to Publish 2021

Panel: Submitting to Magazines & Journals: This panel of editors will share their advice on how you can submit your work to literary magazines and journals to better your chances of […]

WOC Speak Readings

Palette Poetry is proud to present Women Speak: A Poetry Reading, a monthly reading series that celebrates BIPOC women-identified poets and prose writers! Join us on Saturday, October 23rd at […]

Conversations and Connections

Conversations and Connections is a one-day (virtual in October 2021, fingers crossed for in-person in 2022) writer’s conference that brings together writers, editors, and publishers in a friendly, supportive environment. […]

Navigating the Personal Essay (Workshop)

Personal essays are as unique as the individual writer. However, there are a few best practices and tips to consider. In this 45-minute virtual session, Athena Dixon gives practical advice […]

Nonfiction Offsite Reading (AWP 2022)

Join authors Jayne Martin, Athena Dixon, Lily Dancyger, Gina Frangello, and Jeannine Ouellette at A Novel Idea bookstore in Philadelphia.

Split/Lip Press AWP 2022 Reading

Join authors from Split/Lip Press for an offsite reading at Vox Populi Art Gallery in Philadelphia.

Split/Lip Press and Mason Jar Press AWP Reading

Ozzie’s 105 W Mercer St, Seattle, Washington

AWP offsite reading featuring Athena Dixon, Tucker Leighty-Phillips, Melissa Matthewson, Mary Lynn Reed, Nancy Stohlman, and Zach VandeZande